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frequently asked questions

Q: What is Rush?
A: “Rush” is the term used by fraternities and sororities to represent a time period where non-affiliated students can actively learn more about the organization of choice. It consists of a series of fun events that allows you to get a glimpse of what their organization is all about. This is the time for you, the Rushee, to get to know us, and for us to get to know you. It’s also just a good opportunity for you to come out and meet new people.

Q: Why Rush?
A: Rush gives you the chance to interact with the organization to see if it’s right for you, no strings attached. Every organization has something special to offer, and it’s up to you to find out what is most suited to your desires. So, rush! There’s no obligations :)

Q: How do I Rush?
A: Simple! Just attend any the events listed on our website/flyers. Rides are always provided by a sister if you don’t drive :)

Q: If I rush does that mean I have to pledge?
A: Not at all! There’s no obligation to join if you attend a rush event. Events should be treated as any other social and rewarding experience. If you decide that you want to pledge for us, you’ll need to sign up for an interview. If you are extended a bid, that is when you decide whether or not to pledge.

Q: I can’t make it to a rush event, but can I still pledge?
A: Of course! Just shoot us an e-mail, and we’ll get back to ASAP with the details.

Q: What is the difference between rush and Pledge?
A: Rush involves no obligation or affiliation to the organization. When you decide to become a pledge, that is when you commit yourself to the organization and begin pledgeship. Pledgeship is a rewarding experience that teaches you the true meaning of teamwork and sisterhood, and it gets you and your pledge class to get to know DLC at a much deeper level.

Q: How much does it cost to attend rush?
A: It’s free! :D


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